Saturday, January 31, 2009

Just Uploaded some pictures,but it was on December 8 lol,well i didnt have tym to post them.: )
Ziyan trying to use the lighter-.- Mathieu Tan

Ziyan And Me(dunno whatz wrong with her XD)

Brainless Lye,told you he was gay

He thought he was some flower

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Acousitc Sold.350,what a lucky buyer,good price for a good guitar.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Viking Fender,Bag,with Amp20 Watts For Sale(RM 350)

Its been a while since i last posted anything,but anyway im having guitars for sale...anyone intrested please just gimme a call 0172548188,or add me )

One more thing,Im so sorry Audrey...i dissapointed you...

Acoustic For Sale(Handmade In Vietnam)"please Offer"

Les Paul For Sale from London (please Offer)

Monday, January 5, 2009

School reopens today,nothing new just that they've changed the maths,PJ and civic teacher.Our class have exceeded its number of 43.Its a small class with lots of ppl,so is DARN hot.but anyways im glad that no one changed their classes.alright thats for today.